Case Focused
We provide threat assessment and management services to assist organizations determine the nature and seriousness of potential threats to the safety of its community or to the public, and to identify appropriate management strategies for responding effectively to risks. Prior to carrying out threat assessment and management services we conduct a violence triage to determine whether there are reasonable grounds to proceed with a threat assessment and to prioritize actions related to follow-up and documentation. As part of our threat assessment and management services we: 1) collect information about circumstances or incidents of concern; 2) analyze the information using systematic, evidence-based procedures; 3) develop individualized strategies to manage violence risk; and 4) communicate findings and opinions in the form of oral and written reports.
Conduct Investigations
We provide comprehensive conduct investigation services to assist organizations in determining whether allegations of misconduct are substantiated. If allegations are substantiated, we analyze whether the misconduct constitutes a breach of policy or relevant legislation and recommend appropriate responses. As part of our comprehensive conduct investigation services we: 1) collect information about the alleged misconduct – including interviewing parties and witnesses, and reviewing documentary and physical evidence; 2) review the evidence to make factual findings which are legally defensible; 3) apply the factual findings to applicable legislation and policies; 4) recommend steps that should be taken to remedy or remediate the identified workplace problems; and 5) communicate findings and opinions in the form of a written report, as well as reporting on the outcome to the parties.
Legal Consultation
We provide consultation on a wide range of topics related to violence and violence risk assessment and management. The consultation falls into three categories. First, we conduct violence risk assessments of people who are parties to proceedings. Second, we provide expert evidence regarding scientific and professional issues. Third, we assist counsel to prepare for litigation, including direct examination and cross-examination of witnesses. We have worked on many different civil and criminal matters, including cases related to wrongful death; professional misconduct; bail, sentencing, and parole; involuntary hospitalization and conditional release; child custody and access; workplace bullying, discrimination, and violence; reasonable accommodation in employment and education; fatality reviews; and immigration matters. We have provided expert evidence in courts, tribunals, review boards, inquests, and parliamentary hearings throughout Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom.