Threat Assessment Team Challenges

This live webinar will focus on Threat Assessment Team Challenges. Threat assessment teams involve a collaboration among professionals – often from multiple disciplines – who assess and manage cases involving concerns about violence risk.

1 Hour | 1 CE (CEU)


This live webinar will focus on threat assessment team challenges. Threat assessment teams involve a collaboration among professionals – often from multiple disciplines – who assess and manage cases involving concerns about violence risk.This webinar will focus on challenges faced by threat assessment teams in the course of their work due to the difficult nature of their work and diverse composition of their membership. Specifically, this webinar will discuss three major challenges based on feedback from over 700 team members from workplaces across Canada that may have implications for how they operate and what they accomplish. These challenges include: 1) the team's mandate (behavioral problems generally versus violence risk specifically, violence to employees versus violence by employees, etc.); 2) who “owns” the team (human resources, health and safety, security, etc.); and 3) who should serve on the team (general counsel, mental health professionals, union representatives, etc.). Possible solutions to these major challenges will also be proposed supported by empirical research, best practice, and the law.