- Describe an overview of the administration of the HCR-20 V3
- Describe structured professional judgement (SPJ) guidelines for the assessment and management of risk for general violence
- Describe the rating, formulation, and conceptualization of risk for violence for Case #3
This HCR-20 V3 Practice case #3 is presented by Stephen Hart, PhD, Kelly Watt, PhD, and Brianne Layden, PhD.
This on-demand webinar focuses on using the Historical-Clinical-Risk-Management-20 Version 3 (HCR-20 V3) to assess and manage violence risk. Each of the practice cases is derived from real, sanitized cases across correctional and forensic psychiatric settings. Participants will sharpen and maintain their skills administering the HCR-20 V3. This webinar includes an overview of the HCR-20 V3, a self-directed case review and completion of the HCR-20 V3 worksheet, and case review/discussion.
This case gives participants an opportunity to practice administering the HCR-20 V3 with review from internationally recognized experts. Emphasis will be placed on how to rate the presence and relevance of each of the HCR-20 V3 items, how to formulate about past violence, how to scenario plan about future violence, how to develop case management strategies and tactics, and how to provide summary judgments about overall risk.
Case #3 focuses on an adult male currently held at a correctional facility. The evaluee was convicted of rape (two counts), assault causing bodily harm, and break and enter when he was an adult. You are tasked with conducting a violence risk assessment for his upcoming Parole Board hearing.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this webinar you will be able to: